2380 Frontline Workers vaccinated so far
Port Blair, Feb. 25
As part of the ongoing COVID19 vaccination to Frontline Workers
of A& N Islands, the vaccination
session for Frontline Staff of Port
Blair Municipal Council began at
Dr. Ambedkar Auditorium. A total
of 110 beneficiaries were
vaccinated against the 1st dose of
It is to mention that, till now, a
total of 2380 Frontline Workers
which include Police, Prison Dept.,
Paramilitary, Municipal Frontline
staff, Volunteers of Disaster
Management and District
Administration have been
vaccinated against 1st dose of
COVID-19 vaccine in these Islands.
Dr. Avijit Roy, Nodal Officer COVID19, Dr. Rajiv Ghosh, Site Supervisor
and Dr. Rohit, SPO, UNDP conducted
the session along with other Health
Care Staff. The vaccination program
was supervised by Ms Anjali Sherawat,
Secretary, PBMC and
Shri Anand Vardhan
Mishra, Joint Secretary,
PBMC. The vaccination
program is being
conducted under the
overall guidance of Dr.
V. Candavelou,
Commissioner-cumSecretary (Health) and
Shri R.N Sharma,
Secretary (Health)/MD
The Andaman and
Nicobar Administration
is committed to protect
its citizens against the
deadly COVID-19.